Your Hometown Computer Guy

Let me help you setup your DSL, and your home network, both wired and wireless.

I can deal with the phone company for you.

Are you backing up all those critical files and irraplacable pictures? NO ! your hard drive WILL fail its not a question of if but whenLet me help you decide what backup solution is best for you and then implement it for you.


VIRUS ALERT your machine maybe infected


Have you seen the above warning pop up on your computer ? Did you click on it ? NEVER EVER click the pop up Do you have a virus or other spooky critters call me I can check.

Is your computer running SLOW. Call me to schedule a tune-up

Were you told your computer is dead or you will lose all your data to fix it? Get a second opinion, CALL Me

Buying a new computer, let me help you set it up, install critical updates, software, antivirus, etc.

Need to move to Windows7© , call me, I can make it painless

DELL/ HP/ Compaq © Certified Out of Warranty Repair Technician

Call me for all your computer needs Hardware, Software,Training.

E-mail me at

Call Me
